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Breville Bambino VS Bambino Plus: A Comprehensive Comparison


Are you debating between buying the Breville Bambino VS Bambino Plus? Both of these machines look similar, which may make it difficult to decide which one to choose. The Bambino Plus generally is over $100 more expensive than the Bambino. But are the extra dollars worth it?

The Breville Bambino and Bambino Plus are entry-level fully-automatic machines that can make excellent espressos. The main difference between these two models boils down to the milk frother. The Breville Bambino offers a rotating manual milk frothing wand, while the Bambino Plus has an automatic steam wand that does most of the work for you. 

The Bambino Plus can be an excellent option for beginners. However, if you already have some barista skills (or are willing to watch a few YouTube videos to learn), the Bambino sells at a more affordable price.

After looking in-depth at the Breville Bambino VS the Bambino Plus, our top pick is the Breville Bambino. This compact espresso maker has all the essentials you need to make espressos and specialty drinks at home at an attractive price.

Let’s look at some of the key features of each machine so you can decide which Breville espresso maker is best for you.

Our Pick



Stainless steel, More compact
Stainless Steel, More color options

Heating system

Thermojet heating system, Preinfusion cycle
Thermojet heating system, Preinfusion cycle

Hot water feature

Yes; Press hot water push button
Yes; Press single-shot button and milk foam button simultaneously

Filter basket

54mm filter basket
54mm filter basket

Milk froth wand

Standard milk wand with 360 degree rotation
Automatic milk wand with temperature and foam controls


16 oz. milk jug, plastic tamper, steam wand cleaning too
16 oz. milk jug, metal tamper, steam wand cleaning tool, precision dosing tool

Key Features of the Breville Bambino VS Bambino Plus

At first glance, the Breville Bambino and Bambino Plus may look identical. They also share similar features: a sturdy stainless steel casing, a Thermojet heating system, a compact footprint, and more. However, once you look at the details of each espresso machine, you can find several subtle differences. 

Let’s look at the pros and cons of these two high-performance espresso makers.


The Bambino and Bambino Plus have a compact footprint to fit easily on your counter. However, the Bambino is a few inches smaller than the Bambino Plus in all directions. 

The Bambino’s ultra-compact size can be an advantage if you live in a tiny house, R.V., or just have limited space on your countertop. This machine comes in a sleek-looking stainless steel casing and feels durable and sturdy.

The Bambino Plus maybe a few inches larger than the Bambino. However, it still is more compact than many espresso machines in its gamut. With its larger size, you also get the perk of a 64-ounce water tank, which is 17 ounces larger than the Bambino. The milk frother’s heat sensors are in the base of the Bambino Plus, making its drip tray seem more fragile than the Bambino’s.

If you like to add a splash of color to your kitchen, the Bambino Plus offers extra casing options. You can choose from Damson Blue, Black Truffle, Red Velvet Cake, or six other neutral colors. 


Although you get more color choices with the Bambino Plus, the Bambino is a more compact machine with a sturdier feel. 

The heating system and shot extraction

The Bambino and Bambino Plus benefit from a Thermojet heating system with PID precise temperature control. This heating system can heat up to the proper extraction temperature in as few as three seconds. 

You can brew a quick espresso and steam milk immediately afterward without waiting for your machine to recover. Also, the Thermojet uses less energy than the commonplace thermoblock heating system. 

Each machine also offers a pre-infusion cycle. This cycle wets the coffee grounds evenly to “bloom” before brewing. This extra step can improve the extraction for an espresso shot packed with complex flavors. 

The Bambino and Bambino Plus are fully automatic machines that can brew a single or double shot at the touch of a button. If you prefer, you can adjust the machine’s settings to manually pull espresso shots. When you control the timing of your espresso shot, you can create rich ristrettos and mild lungos.


The Bambino or Bambino Plus are both equipped with Thermojet heating systems and a pre-infusion cycle. These features can give your espressos the rich flavor and crema you crave. Both machines are fully automatic. However, you can override these settings and manually adjust the strength of your espresso shots.

Hot water feature


A hot water feature is handy when you want to brew an Americano, steep hot tea, or make a bowl of instant oatmeal. 

The Bambino has a simple push button you can use when you want to add hot water to a drink.

The Bambino Plus also has a hot water option. However, it is more complicated to access. 

After the Bambino Plus warms up and is ready for use, press the single-shot button and the milk foam button simultaneously. Place a cup under the steam wand and press any button to stop the flow of hot water.


Both Breville machines have a hot water feature. The Bambino has a straightforward hot water button, while the Bambino Plus requires you to use a combination of buttons.

Filter basket


The Breville Bambino and Bambino Plus both use a 54mm filter basket, which is larger than the 51mm and 53mm portafilters of many other at-home machines. The Breville filter holds about 18g of coffee, and its larger surface area gives each shot a more even extraction. 

Both models come with pressurized filter baskets, which are more forgiving for beginner users. Even if the tamping is not perfect, the pressurized filter can still make a delicious brew with a rich crema. 

However, the Bambino and Bambino Plus often include non-pressurized single-wall filter baskets. These barista-style filters allow you to have more control over the espresso extraction.


Both models usually come with pressurized and single-wall 54mm filter baskets.

Milk frother

Although the Bambino and Bambino Plus have many features in common, the milk-frothing wand is the key difference between these two machines. 

A milk frother can be valuable for creating Starbucks-style espresso drinks such as lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, flat whites, and more. So, which milk wand is for you?

Let’s take a detailed look at the similarities and differences between the Bambino and Bambino Plus milk wands.

The similarities

Both the Bambino and the Bambino Plus offer barista-quality steam wands, which are capable of creating perfect foam toppings and latte art. They also both come with a stainless steel milk jug. However, the Breville Bambino offers a manual steam wand while the Bambino Plus has an automatic one.

The Bambino Plus’s automatic steam wand 


The Bambino Plus can be easy for even beginning baristas to use at home with success. With this steam wand, you don’t have to position the tip of the steam wand into a corner of the jug. Simply add milk to the pitcher and place the steam wand inside. Choose your settings, and watch as the milk froths to perfection.

This high-tech milk wand lets you choose your ideal temperature from 50, 70, or 90 degrees Celsius (122, 158, or 194 degrees Fahrenheit). You can also set the texture to low, medium, or high.

Unlike the Bambino, which just has one hole in the steam wand, the Bambino Plus’s wand comes with four holes. This allows the wand to evenly froth the milk in about half the time it takes the Bambino. The automatic steam wand also self-cleans itself with a burst of steam after it is done.

If you want to texture the milk by hand, you can also turn off the automatic settings and use the wand manually.


The extra temperature settings and frothing levels can give you more precise control over the outcome of your milk foam. However, there are also a few downsides to this fancy frother. 

The Bambino Plus’s automatic steam wand works quickly and accurately to aerate regular milk. However, if you use nut milk or milk substitutes which are more difficult foam, a manual texturing cycle may be necessary. Unfortunately, the automatic steam wand does not rotate, which makes it difficult to manually texture your milk. 

The automatic cleaning cycle is a nice idea. However, simply turning on a quick steam cycle after you froth milk can clear the nozzle of any steam wand. I prefer to manually cleanse the steam wand myself instead of being surprised by four quick bursts of steam automatically coming from the machine.

The Bambino’s manual milk frother


The Breville Bambino has a standard wand that you find on other espresso machines. It is capable of 360-degree rotation which makes it easy to find the best angle for steaming your milk toppings. 

This manual wand has only one hole for steam, which causes a slower cycle. However, if you are just learning the ropes as a beginner barista, you have more time to make subtle adjustments to the texturing.


The Breville Bambino steam wand is not as powerful as the Breville Bambino Plus’s automatic wand. Also, it doesn’t let you adjust the steam temperature and texture with a button. However, the manual wand puts you in control and allows you to perfect your barista skills.


The Bambino comes with a simple, rotating milk frothing wand when you are in the mood for a cappuccino or latte. It doesn’t have the same presets as the Bambino Plus’s automatic frother. However, this is a great option if you enjoy texturing your milk by hand. 

Also, if you usually drink your espresso straight, spending the extra money for a fancier milk wand may not be worth it. 

The Bambino Plus makes milk frothing easy–even for beginners. You can place the wand into a milk jug without worrying about the proper angle and position. However, vegan milk froths better under an experienced hand. The Bambino Plus’s automatic wand does not rotate, which makes it difficult to switch to manual settings. 

Other accessories

The Bambino and Bambino Plus both include a steam wand cleaning tool, a 16-ounce milk jug, and a tamper. The Bambino’s tamper is usually plastic,while the Bambino Plus is metal. 

The Bambino Plus also includes a handy razor precision dosing tool, which gives you a guide to fill the filter basket with the proper amount of coffee grounds.


Both models come with many useful accessories for your espresso machine. However, the metal tamper and dosing tool are only available with the Breville Bambino Plus. 

A metal tamper is preferable to plastic for pressing grounds firmly and evenly. However, if you use a pressurized filter basket, the tamping step is not as essential. 

The razor precision dosing tool is a nice feature. However, a kitchen scale will give you the most accurate results for measuring your coffee ground dosage.

Which machine has a better value?

The Breville Bambino and Bambino Plus both have great value with a lower price point than many other brands. 

The essential parts of both machines are comparable–both have the same size motor, and heating systems and extract espresso the same way. This means you get the same great espresso flavor and rich crema with either machine.

The Bambino Plus comes with a few extra accessories and its main claim to fame–an automatic frothing wand. This fancier model can help beginning baristas who are still honing their craft. The automatic frothing wand copies the style of professional espresso makers and allows you to change the temperature and frothing style using presets. 

However, overall, the best value goes to the Breville Bambino. This machine has all the same quality features to pull an excellent espresso as the Bambino Plus. Although its steam wand may not be as fancy as the Plus, it is still comparable to many steam wands that you find on other high-end at-home espresso makers. 

When you compare what it offers to its price, the Breville Bambino gets our vote for the best value. 

Breville Bambino VS Bambino Plus: The Winner

The Breville Bambino and Bambino Plus both have plenty to recommend them. If I had to choose which one to bring home, I’d choose the Breville Bambino.

The Breville Bambino has many of the same great features as the Bambino Plus, such as a stainless steel casing, a Thermojet heating system, PID technology, and a 15-bar Italian pump. Overall, the straightforward push-button menu is easier to navigate, and as an added perk, its price tag is much lower. 
With the dollars you save, you can invest in a quality burr grinder. Or, try out the fresh taste of gourmet single-origin coffee beans for flavorful coffee drinks.

So, which espresso machine is best for you?

While the Breville Bambino is an affordable espresso machine and arguably the best option for most coffee lovers on a budget, there are also plenty of reasons to love the Bambino Plus. 

Here is a quick side-by-side comparison of both machines.

The Bambino espresso maker may be for you if…

The Bambino Plus espresso maker may be for you if…

So will you choose the Bambino espresso maker for its great value, or the Bambino Plus for its extra amenities and an easy-to-use automatic frother? 

The choice is a tough one. However, you can’t go wrong with either of these high-performance machines. 


Neither the Bambino nor the Bambino Plus brews regular coffee. Instead, both machines brew espressos and froth milk for specialty drinks. To make an American-style coffee, you can add hot water to a single espresso shot. This drink is called an Americano. It is similar to a drip brew coffee with a slightly richer flavor.
Many entry-level, compact espresso makers tend to be loud because they lack insulation around the pump. Surprisingly, the Bambino and Bambino Plus are not noisy machines despite their compact sizes. These espresso makers make about the same amount of noise as any other Breville machines.

You can find naked portafilters that are compatible with the Breville Bambino Plus. These bottomless portafilters are useful to see exactly if the espresso is extracting evenly. Then, you can make adjustments to your shot pulls accordingly.

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Alexandra Elise

Alexandra Elise

Alexandra Elise’s love for coffee began when she worked her first job as a barista in Texas. After getting an English degree, she toured Europe where she fell in love with espresso and her husband. She combines her passion for coffee with detailed research to share the best tips, products, and recipes with fellow coffee lovers. In her spare time, she hones her coffee craft and visits the newest coffee shops with her family.
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